Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Instant Noodles Against Health Hazards

Did you know? That Indonesia is the second largest country All noodle consumption in the world after China. Mie originally discovered and made in China and then spread throughout the world. Includes Indonesia. Noodle itself is a food made from basic ingredients of wheat flour, sago, rice or other ingredients that are generally of staple ingredients. Which then if a little flat elongated shape. In Indonesia noodle much further processed into various types of processed foods. Among others: Chicken Noodle, Mie Tek Tek, Soto, Mixed Meatballs, Instant Noodles with different flavors starting from flavor curries, chicken, soup, curry, and others - others.

Seeing the basic ingredients of noodles made from wheat flour, rice, sago, and others - others, noodles should also include healthy foods such as raw materials, namely wheat, rice, and sago. Then why are some
studies suggesting me to not consume noodles in large numbers and intensity that is too often? This is because the old noodle with noodles with today was different. Noodles in the past only use materials - natural ingredients with no preservatives, but these days many noodles are added in food preservatives, and some have added preservative is formalin corpse. Hiiii scary too huh ... But terdang we are lulled by the good taste so forget the impact and dangers. Not inevitable, too, that I also eat noodles Amendment, especially instant noodles and chicken noodle because it tastes really delicious .. hehehe.

Instant Noodles Against Health HazardsFriends of readers, it helps us as early as possible to reduce the consumption of instant noodles or if you can avoid it. Because instant noodles is not good for health. What's more chicken noodle, as some searches, chicken noodle sauce identical to many, it appeared that the sauce is made from a material that much really - really not worth it to eat and is very dangerous to health. To make things more clear about the dangers of following I lay on the content and the dangers of Instant Noodles.

Ingredients Instant Noodles

Noodles made from a mixture of flour, vegetable oil, salt, and some additives such as sodium polyphosphate (functioning as an emulsifier / stabilizer), sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate, which serves as a regulator of acid. In addition, the noodles were also added yellow dye (tartrazine).

Besides noodles itself, there are also a lot of noodle seasoning contains salt, chili and other spices. Instant noodle seasoning is also not free of food additives such as MSG (monosodium glutamate), which serves as a flavor enhancer.
Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine Univ. Indonesia proved that 100%, or ALL samples of instant noodles on the market PLASTIC MATERIAL CONTAINING which is very dangerous for digestion.

Dr. Hasan Budiman, head of the laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine UI states, that in ALL samples taken at the supermarket, shops, and cafes in Jakarta and surrounding areas found that the plastic material may not be digested in our digestive system. Widely known that the plastic is a material that can not be decomposed by nature, and it is a very dangerous substance for consumption.
The contents are dangerous are not very good consumed by the body. Moreover, if we consume instant noodles for a long time with very high intensity. Surely it would be easy and rested disease in our bodies.

Dangers Eat Instant Noodles

Some of the following illnesses allegedly caused by eating too much instant noodles.

Causes of cancer
Instant noodles contain a lot of additives like MSG that can lead to cancer in the body. Many real cases of people who are sick and allegedly caused by too much consumption of instant noodles. Therefore, you should also begin to reduce the consumption of these foods.

Chinese restaurant syndrome
Dangers of eating instant noodles more like this one poisoning. It is caused by MSG contained in instant noodle seasoning. There are some people who can not stand the MSG, and then felt dizzy and breathless. But the disease is not very fatal, because it will recover after 2-3 hours later.

Damage to brain tissue
Eating noodles constantly equal to accumulate harmful chemicals in the body and the effect can damage brain tissue cells. As a result, there will be reduction in the transmission of signals in the brain. In addition, damage to brain tissue will also trigger other diseases such as stroke or paralysis.

Then how so that we can continue to consume noodles but still safe for health? The answer: by making your own noodles at home. How easy anyway, so although it takes more time. But what harm is done to our health as well. These believers make noodles:

250 g of wheat flour
1 tsp salt
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon olive oil
100 ml of water

How to Make:
Mix flour and salt and stir well. Pour the eggs, olive oil, and water. Knead until dough is not sticky to the touch. Roll the dough with a rolling pin numbers 1 mi, fold in half and roller back. Gilas back with number 2, fold in half, back roller. Repeat with the number 3 and 4, and sprinkle with flour. Insert the dough sheet forming tools mi. Sprinkle noodles with flour and roll. Place in an airtight container before use.

How? still want to keep the consumption of instant noodles but will disrupt your health or make their own noodles so it is safe for health. Yes ... choice is in your hands.


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